Northside Hospital Research Program

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NMDP Recipient Consent for Participation in Registry, Research Database, and Research Sample Repository [NCT00495300 & NCT01166009]

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Protocol Number
Management Group
BMT Program
Oncology Group
BMT Oncology Group
Disease Sites
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Leukemia, other
Lymphoid Leukemia
Multiple Myeloma
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Other Hematopoietic
Sponsor Protocol
NMDP IRB-1999-0021
Principal Investigator
Kent Holland
Participating Institutions
Northside Hospital - Atlanta (BMT)


If you agree to take part in the Research Sample Repository, a sample of blood (up to two tablespoons) will be collected from a vein in your arm. The blood will be collected just before you start the conditioning regimen to prepare you for your transplant. Your blood sample will be frozen and stored indefinitely for possible use in future research studies.


The primary goal of the Center for Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Research Program is to improve the safety and effectiveness of hematopoietic cell (HC) transplantation for both donors and recipients through the collection of blood samples and data collection . The primary purpose of the Research Database is to have a comprehensive source of observational data that can be used to study HC transplantation and to have a comprehensive source of data to study marrow toxic injuries and the application of hematopoietic cells for regenerative medicine or immune-based therapy, including for malignancy or infection.

Key Eligibility

Recipient Eligibility Criteria Any recipient of an unrelated or related donor or autologous HC transplant (includes cells collected from peripheral blood, bone marrow or cord blood) or any recipient of cellular therapy in a CIBMTR center is eligible to participate in the Research Database. Unrelated Donor Eligibility Criteria All donors registered on the NMDP Registry who have been requested to donate a product for a recipient are eligible to participate in the Research Database.

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(404) 303-3355 or